FIND YOURSELF AGAIN | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing

FIND YOURSELF AGAIN | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing

I'm known as the running Guy around my neighborhood.

Every morning I get up and meditate and then by 06:15 I'm out the door for a morning run before I start interacting and engaging with my family and building and creating for clients.

I’m outside in the rain, snow, sun, doesn't matter the condition. Being out there allows me to think and to create and to decompress, to step back from the busy side of life and zoom out. To gain a new perspective every morning, like being on a mountain top looking down at my life, I can be a little bit more intentional because of that run. 

I've done this at any critical change point in my life, from deciding to leave certain organizations, to starting new Adventures, to where to raise the kids and more.

Stepping back allows for a more holistic view of the challenges in front of us. I'm free to be present when I feel like I've already been productive in the morning. I'm not so hard on myself when I've already accomplished something at the start of the day.

I'm just happier when I'm able to be out there.

As you start your day today, consider how you can zoom out a bit. What’s your mountain where you can stand at the top and examine your life? Maybe it’s closing the door to your bedroom for ten minutes to stretch and breathe. Maybe it’s a quiet walk in your neighborhood with no headphones, no phone, just the sound of your footsteps and your breathing. 

Think about what it’s going to take to slow you down. To clear your mind. To gain perspective and reprioritize your day. 

Check in with yourself. What’s weighing on you? What’s causing tension in your body? What do you have control over that can take that tension away? When you are on your mountain, the possibilities are endless. You can dream big, fantasize about the most life-altering changes. Maybe you’ll realize how freeing those changes could actually be. Maybe you’ll want to act. Or maybe you won’t want to change certain things. Maybe you’ll be grateful for the small things you hope to hold onto for as long as you can. 

Either way, when you come down from your mountain, you’ll be grounded. You’ll be ready to take on the world. 

Remember, you have the power to shape your destiny. So go out there and make it happen.

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