CELEBRATE YOURSELF | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing

CELEBRATE YOURSELF | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing

What is it like when what you've been striving for suddenly becomes a reality?

Sometimes we miss it, but there are those moments when we look around and we catch it.

On my morning run last week, I looked down to restart my podcast that I was listening to, and I happened to check our subscribers for this channel, and we went from 327 to 429 in an instant. I thought I was dreaming. I had no idea. Days before I had been checking almost every other minute and nothing. Maybe one or two would trickle in and then all of a sudden a hundred, at once. Less than a week later, we have over 2,000.

What do we do when we suddenly realize we're living the dream that we've been striving for for so long?

We spend so much time setting goals, building plans and creating metrics to measure success. We analyze and evaluate how to be better, do better, work toward something bigger. Often, meeting our goal only serves as a reset to set a new one. I got 1000 subscribers, now I want 5,000. I hit my quota in sales this quarter, next quarter I need to surpass it. 

What if, before we said “what’s next?”, instead we paused. We took a breath. We checked in with what it took to get there. Acknowledged how far we’ve come. We took a moment to be proud of ourselves. We took a moment to celebrate the win, big or small. 

We’ll set the next goal. We’ll make more plans. We’ll continue to push and grow because that’s who we are. But for now, we’ll stand still. Just long enough to look around and realize that we're right in the middle of it. Long enough to allow ourselves to laugh out loud, to grab the people closest to us and say, we're here. We have arrived, we're living it. 

It's in these moments that we want to tell the people that we care about, how much we appreciate them. How much we value their support along the way and celebrate alongside them. So take the moment. 

Because it's these moments that will drive us forward to the next moment, and the next moment, and the next one after that. 

I'm gonna take today to celebrate because I know the work and the effort it took to get here, and while I don't know what will happen the next time I look, or what the next month or few days will look like, it's just a quick sign that I'm on the right track and I just have to keep going, have to keep building. Thank you for your support along my journey. 

Keep going, keep striving, keep building.

You're on the right track.

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