BE GREAT | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing #leader

BE GREAT | Powerful #motivational Video | Wake Up and Listen #dailymotivation #keepgoing #leader

I believe that each of us have greatness within us. We have the ability to not only do great things, but impact people in great ways. We were made to be great. But greatness is a choice. It's not a “when I feel like it.” It's not “if only,” it's not even “when I do this, then, I’ll be great.” No. It's a choice. You already have everything need to be great. It's now up to you to allow yourself to let it out. 

The bear, with its natural cool and calm presence, reminds me of the greatness I have inside. It reminds me of the responsibility I now have to make a great impact. Not sometimes, but all the time. We never know when the person on the other end needs our greatness in that moment. The bear is a symbol, a simple reminder of our duty to be great. Not only during power hour, not just during the one on ones with the people we like, not just when we’re working with our favorite customer, but all the time. People need your greatness, and it’s up to you to choose to let it out. 

Like a bear, your best self, and your greatness doesn't have to be aggressive. The bear doesn't have to show teeth. The bear already knows that there is something great inside. And at any moment, when the moment calls for it, the bear inside shows up and you can handle anything. You’ve seen it, you’ve felt it, you’ve heard it. When your best version is on display doing what you do best, that’s the bear.

The Complete Sales Academy is all about reminding you who you are, maybe helping you realize or redefine who you are, and then giving you the tools, tactics, and motivation to choose greatness. It’s time to give yourself permission to let it out so you can do what you do best and make an impact.

Are you ready? Let’s do this. 

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